Friday, January 25, 2013

A winter day on the Sound

It was icy on the edges of the Sound this morning.  The chorus from the night had moved on, perhaps to feed in the wheat fields or perhaps pushed out by a hunter's boat moving through.

An mid afternoon scout found a blue heron fishing along the icy edge.

Later the skies changed and the cold moved in.  Wildfowl of all sorts started congregating along the
shoreline.  What pure pleasure to watch swans and ducks come in from all direction and settle down in the

The snow started falling and visibility was low, but I stayed out to see what would come.
I spotted a flock of ducks in the foggy, snowy horizon.  Even more Swans followed!  A perfect bird watching day on the Sound.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Le Pelican

Pelicans are such a marvel.  I looked back at some shots I took recently in Florida and found one to show.  Pelicans are found along the coastline here as well.  Being on the Sound, we rarely see a Pelican flying about though they are just a few miles away generally.
I love this pose, it has a very coy look about it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bluebills in the fog

The weather has been very mixed of late.  Cold and then warm, and plenty of fog at times.  Some recent mornings the fog was layed in thick, the ducks were staying put but the hunters had moved in anyway.
Must be a interesting trek through that early morning fog in those duck boats ...
Once the fog broke a bit, the bluebills that I could see lifted.  I love the song of the bluebills when they are together and at peace.  It has me wishing for icy weather so I can sit on the pier again and hear them sing without the push of shot on their wings.