Sunday, April 24, 2011

Marsh Hen Rescue

Marsh Hen (Clapper Rail)
Today was the first day to fill up some crab pots with bait. That done this morning, a mid afternoon check led to the discovery of this bird inside a dry pot on the pier. Maybe it was after something, perhaps some old bait but it was in need of rescue.
This is a Clapper Rail, aka Marsh Hen. Rails are marsh birds, feeding and nesting in the marshes. We have plenty of marshes nearby, but I have never seen a Rail on our shoreline.
It was let go just after this shot and it took off in low fly, and eventually out of the yard. I am sure it was quite a trauma for the bird, but it was a real treat for us.
I did a bit of reading on the bird and the neatest thing that I found was that the chicks are all black!

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